I’m A Duck In The Pond
Most of those who know me at Effurun-Otor or at Ughelli know me as the doctor that uses...
The Secrets of Great Men Are In Their Stories
Twenty years back, when I sold the hospital, there was a day there was no food in the...
Unserious Seriousness
I have always loved a good laugh. There is nothing as great as having fun, doing what you...
Thou Shalt Not Deceive Thyself
Someone recently sent me a message that I should send him money to convey the corpse of his...
Happiness Is Inexpensive: Complicated Simplicity
One evening, in 1985, in Oribis Hospital, Aba, one of the many clinics where I was doing locum,...
The Pathway to Progress and Prosperous Living [P2: Planning]
Many people don’t know that I don’t run a church. I’m a member of the Church of God...
The Benefits of Adding a Price Tag To Your Life
Have you ever wondered why companies do sales, or Black Fridays or ‘Yellow Tuesdays’? They understand human psychology...
When You Know Yourself, Master It
Speaking to Anglican Clergymen and their wives from Sabon Gida Diocese (Church of Nigeria) at the Anglican Christian...
Learn To Face Reality
Ruth went to glean and found herself in the field of Boaz. Her hard work, reputation, and humility...
Redefining Success: The Cascading Years
S1 Set your goals and objectives within the the legal and spiritual normalcy of society in general. That...