Happiness Is Inexpensive: Complicated Simplicity

One evening, in 1985, in Oribis Hospital, Aba, one of the many clinics where I was doing locum, as a NYSC member, I checked my blood pressure and it was 150/90. I was just 26 years old. I was having intense headaches, so I decided to check my blood pressure.

The increase in blood pressure was because I was preparing to get married to my wife and I had only 54 Naira, then, as my balance in my account in New Nigerian Bank.

I had a paralysed father with spinal cord injury from a road-traffic accident. My wife-to-be was a 24-year- old nurse, unemployed, pregnant, because I was not a Christian then.

My mother had stroke some 3 years later, most likely from hypertension. So at a point, I had two paralyzed parents at home.

One of the resolutions I made was to live a simple life with minimal stress and hustle in my later life.

Even in ministry, I try to uncomplicate issues. We are making the gospel too complex.

I hustled a lot between 35 and 60, but I had to slow down to a more relaxed life going forward. I know how I am wired.

Over packaging is very stressful for me. I am not competing with anybody. I deliberately choose what makes me happy; it does not need to fit into your style or standards. I am abnormally normal.

I usually drink a cup of decaffeinated alkaline coffee in the morning, and I take my meals to the farm fellowship to share with my workers. It helps me keep my blood sugar level low and maintain my figure.

Yesterday, I took coconut and garri to the farm and ate with my workers.

This evening, after my lunch in the farm fellowship, with Counsellor Dennis Agori video recording, I got home and took a glass of wine in my bathroom. I took a warm bath and, then, checked my blood pressure; it was 130/82. Good for my age and at the time of the day.

I don’t need much to be happy. We usually create our own problems by complications and cluttering.

I don’t farm because of the money I will make. I am just creating complicated simplicity.

I stay in the best hotels in Nigeria. I get paid heavily for my lectures and I eat very expensive meals, but I simplify it by living the natural life I have always wanted.

There is nothing I will get in life besides the next phase of bringing wisdom and joy to others that will make me happier.

Life is best when it is lived in it’s simplicity.

Many of the things you are currently struggling for, won’t really bring happiness, no matter the excitement and glamour.

Deep inside, many of us are choking from the complications of “success”.

Good Bless You.

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