Have you ever wondered why companies do sales, or Black Fridays or ‘Yellow Tuesdays’? They understand human psychology and value systems. People buy things emotionally. Their value for goods and service are very subjective. What you pay for most things is far below the real value.
Satisfaction is very arbitrary. Arbitration is an attempt at the harmonisation of value disagreement.
When you buy on Black Friday or ‘Purple Thursday’, the companies are still making profit most times, and you are saving them lots of money from areas you can’t understand.
When you place value on yourself, goods, and services:
1. People plan better in anticipation of your coming or services.
A family expecting a child after 15 years of waiting prepare better than a girl expecting a child from rape or unwanted pregnancy.
2. They publicise your coming more if they have expended money on your coming.
3. They are more pleasant to you and are concerned about your pleasures.
4. They protect you more.
5. If they found it difficult to get you, they try to protect and preserve the relationship with you.
It is so sad that this is very common with church folks.
Salvation is free, but somebody paid the price. Freely we received, but this does not include, school fees, house rent, food, fuel, and even baby diapers.
Be wise.
God Bless You.
Thank you so much, yes I will try to be wise.