Many people don’t know that I don’t run a church. I’m a member of the Church of God Mission International Inc. I attend a branch located in my School at Ughelli, and I have pastors who pastor me.

Rev. Imah James pastored me just before he retired, and he gave me a lot of insight on real estate acquisition. There was an advice he gave to me that worked perfectly well concerning a property I had some challenge with.

Frankly speaking, I’m so focused on my vision that I have never been a problem to any of my pastors. I have too much on my plate, I don’t have time to look at my neighbors plate.

Planning is a series or group of deliberate actions an individual has mapped out to do in order to achieve a set of objectives.

I have never had large sums of money at any time; I’m always broke financially because of my sequential small investments. I prioritize my life—I act and make choices based on my plans. I don’t follow the crowd—my plans determine my decisions and actions. I prioritize my actions based on my plans and I try to always think far ahead.

I bought the tiles and some doors in my residence about 6 years before I used them. Someone rightly said, “don’t live like people who are eating their harvest, while you are at your planting stage”. When you don’t have helpers and a rich family like me, adopt planning, patience, and the principle of gradualism.

I’m never in a hurry or desperate for anything. Planning declutters my life. I concentrate only on the essentials that will help me actualize my vision. I usually plan long-term. I have been buying the land in this video since 2012. My plans give me focus, and they prevent me from comparing myself with others. However, I steal good ideas with my eyes and ears and add to my own.

Finally, after planning, I discus with my father, Jehovah. He perfects my ideas and synchronises my actions and brings everything thing under His will and control.

As you must have noticed, I’m very unusual but usually relaxed. God is working on my plans to perfect them beyond my imaginations and thoughts. But I must plan because He gave me His spirit. He gave me a brain so as not to pester Him.

God bless you.

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