The books of Ruth and Esther in the Bible are books of strategic human effort and divine mercy. They are books that contain the power of the pursuit of purpose in the midst of very contending forces.

Elimelech, Naomi’s late husband and Ruth’s late father-in-law, had a man of great wealth called Boaz.

Boaz was a potential destiny helper, but there was a gap to be closed and a link that had to be made. We shall now look at how the link was established.

1. Pressure (P1) and pain (P2)

Pressure is force per unit area. When a problem is spread over a large population, they hardly act because it is not discomforting enough to cause pain.

That’s the problem with Nigeria.

When there is a problem that affects everyone, it’s nobody’s problem, and hardly becomes everybody’s problem. The problem is too diffused to cause pain.

The #EndSARS protests did not gain momentum until a young man in my town, Ughelli, was harassed twice within a short period by some police operatives. The intensity forced him to jump out a moving car. The intensity of the shock made his friend to raise a false alarm that his friend had died. Because Ughelli is a relatively small town, most youths know each other and are related to each other’s family either by schools attended, marriages, or by community interactions. News spread fast in Ughelli. Before you know, #EndSARS started as a protest in Ughelli and engulfed the whole nation.

When pressure is localised, it leads to Pain (P2).

When pain is intense, it leads to a Push (P3) to Action.

Ruth was a stranger, a widow, poor, and with a complaining Naomi. She could see return of abundance, but she was living in abject lack.

A lot of the pains we go through are stimuli to activate our faith.

Pinpointed Prayers (P4)

Pain helps to define needs sometimes. Insults usually lead purposeful people to have insights.

Ruth became her own prophet. She knew her lot was to glean, but she wanted to glean in a plot where she will find favour or grace.

Labour and favour are not mutually exclusive; in fact, they are twins. Insightful and intentional labour leads to favour; the result of favour is more responsibility.

Divine grace is enablement for functionality beyond natural capacity or entitlement. The more you become functional, the more grace you develop, and you are described as graceful, particularly in performances like sports, music, and services.

Performance (P5)

Ruth laboured in the field of favour so intensely that the foreman of Boaz noticed her dedication to gleaning (a mean task).

It’s not what you do that necessarily matters, it is the way you do it, and who is taking note of you that matters. Always remember that, someone is keeping a file on you.

Perceivable Value (P6)

The rich Shunamite woman made up her mind about Elisha after a while, “I perceive that this is a man of God”.

Rich and successful people can decide on your future with them within a few hours. Remember rich people are insightful investors; they have sharp evaluating instincts. They relate and invest cautiously.

Boaz noticed Ruth in the midst of several maidens. Boaz must be a man who pays attention to details, like most rich people. But God also caused divine noticeability to fall on her.

Your intents, thoughts, attitude, and nature radiate an aura around you. Insightful people notice them.

The foreman made a wonderful recommendation about the time Ruth had spent with them. There is no second chance to make a first impression. Jesus once asked, “What do men say of me?” Ironically, you might never know when you become the next item on the agenda of a man or woman.

What’s in your file on the table of the person who will introduce you? Think about these things.

Remember, someone is watching you.

God Bless You.


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