Mutate Your Money
While I was doing God’s work at Umuahia, my workers were working for me. Immediately I arrived back...

Don’t Only Do Prayer Walks to Possess Your City. Invest In Real Estate
Invest in real estate in parts of the city you walk on as you pray. Legally acquire part...

Mistakes You Must Never Repeat
I got to Warri in 1963 as a child; then, there was a wooden bridge between Upper and...

Practical Demonstration of Financial Polygamy
I confessed to you that I was financially polygamous. No amount is too small to impregnate. I got...

Serious Confession: I Am A Polygamist
Polygamy in Nigeria and most of West Africa was partly because of economic reasons. Life then was mostly...

Learn To Face Reality
Ruth went to glean and found herself in the field of Boaz. Her hard work, reputation, and humility...

Evaluate Your Life
Ruth started at the base of the pyramid of the harvest process, but there are key notes about...

There is a Time for Everything
My dear son, Rev. Samson Bodjor, took me to a shopping mall this morning to buy a very...

Institutions And Men—The Access Bank Experience. Lessons Of COVID-19 [12]
Most institutions are built like trees, while the men/women are like leaves and branches. I have always been...

Pain, Planning, Pleasure, Pressure, and Productivity. Lessons of COVID-19 [8]
According to Rev. Mike Ojoh, who pastored me a few years back, “pregnancy is not an emergency; the...