Entrepreneurship and the Future: Comfort
Comfort is what is difficult to define, but easy to recognise. Different people have different comfort preferences, but...
The 15th Commandment: Don’t Accept Their Labels
Whatever and whoever you accept will rule over you. Tragically, you will start to exercise faith in your...
Wealth is Intentionally Created and Sustained
Speaking on October 29th at the St. Andrews Cathedral Anglican Communion, Warri. The ingredients of wealth creation include:...
Focus On Your Destination, Not The Other Road Users
This is a long story, but read it before you like or comment. I made this video in...
Mutate Your Money
While I was doing God’s work at Umuahia, my workers were working for me. Immediately I arrived back...
If You Live Casually, You Become A Casualty
Only 5% of those who ever live, discover their purposes in life. It’s not enough to discover your...
Social Justice: The Missing Ingredient in Nigeria
The same sun rises over the homes of the rich and the poor. The same sunrise shines over...
The 14th Commandment: Know Where You Are Coming From
Please listen carefully to the message. She is more than seven brothers to me. He who finds a...
The 11th, 12th, and 13th Commandments
Don’t be deceived by Facebook pictures and public appearances. As we were taking these pictures, my wife whispered...
The Woman Who Saw Today, Yesterday
This is the first time many people close to me are hearing my wife speak in public. She...