Please listen carefully to the message.

She is more than seven brothers to me.

He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favour from God.

A wife is not only a cook, sex partner or baby mama or house keeper. A wife should be an institution, a phenomenon, a minister, a Paraclete, like the Holy spirit to a husband.

My wife is no longer a woman; she is a vision actualiser, stress remover, and an icon.

I am the only child remaining out of 4 brothers, but she is more than seven brothers to me.

Everything in this hall including the concept of the hall and the buildings were all executed by her.

Husbands please don’t be intimidated by wives with strong personalities. Harness their energy for mutual benefit.

When I noticed the sincerity of purpose, energy and drive in her, I gave her all the finances and the freedom to build our future. I don’t struggle anything with her including finances. I don’t know what they make from the businesses. I only see results.

Every so called “motivational speaker” needs a motivational wife, if not you are just a talkative and a noise maker.

She is my wife, Mrs Feliciaaaaa Apokiiii.

One Comment

  1. Hello Dr Sir,

    My name is Ekeraro Abraham Ebi. I will like to know when is farm fellowship and at what time does it begin.

    I am on a two weeks leave from work and would love to visit you sir.

    I have followed you closely and I love to connect more Daddy.

    Expecting your kind response sir.

    Warmest Regards.

    Ekeraro Abraham Ebi. 07031538479.

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