If Nigeria is Your Private Company, Would You Allow Such Wickedness?
If we consider Nigeria to be a company, Nigeria PLC., would you employ those people you are defending...

Take a Concrete Step Each Day Towards Your Vision
The difference between a dreamer and a visionary person is action. Talk is cheap. I have learnt a...

Work Has Started On My Carryovers
I have started working on my carryovers. This manure is a carryover from last year to improve the...

The Kingdom Life is a Life of Responsibility and Replication
When I got born again at the Living Word Training Centre, towards the end of my service year...

Attitudinal Unrighteousness
Religion without vision will lead to recklessness, heartlessness, and unproductivity. Religious zeal without commensurate vision to better the...

Sustaining Godly Virtues In A Godless Generation
Delivering a lecture at the Christian Lawyers Fellowship of Nigeria Annual Dinner held at Ishaka Hotel on the...

The 15th Commandment: Don’t Accept Their Labels
Whatever and whoever you accept will rule over you. Tragically, you will start to exercise faith in your...

Entrepreneurship and The Future [4]
Every generation has its peculiarities, appetite, aspirations, trends, challenges, and opportunities.The entrepreneur, sometimes, can create some of the...

Entrepreneurship: A Look Into The FutureĀ [3]
There are key performance indicators (KPI) that any entrepreneur must set out to achieve now and in the...

Entrepreneurship: A Look Into The Future [1]
These are some of the notes from the lectures I gave to the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship...