At 12 years of age, Jesus displayed an unusual grace for intellectual productivity in the Sanhedrin.

Why is it that several Africans are not meeting generational expectations and productivity?

1. Grace is the connection of divinity to humanity to function beyond installed capacity.

It is insulting to insinuate that someone is doing better than a Christian because (s)he is using demonic power.

All power has been given unto you. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.

Grace is an investment of divinity in humanity to manifest ambassadorial responsibility.

You are God’s billboard and complimentary card. You are meant to advertise God.

Remember Joseph in Portiphar’s house.

Laban learnt by divination that the presence of Jacob was responsible for the unusual productivity in his household.

‘Wow!’ Is the language of grace meeting the expectations of those who have been waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God.

How often do you mesmerise people?

2. Grace is the divine enablement to BECOME.

But if your father is a lion, and you are born as a lion, but behave like a goat, then you have nullified grace and you are a dis-grace.

3. Grace is the enablement to meet generational expectations and productivity.

Jehovah is Yaweh. He is the same God of the Nation of Israel.

The Jews have won more Nobel prizes than any race. They are excelling in all aspects of productivity, from medicine, military armament production, agriculture, etc.

Why is it that we pray so much in Africa, dance so much, and deprive ourselves of sleep several nights in a year, yet we are still poor, dirty, sick, and hungry in Africa?

It is not as a result of demons, ancestral curses, or witches.

Grace is unmerited effort to become, but performance and productivity is a personal responsibility.

In this series, I shall be looking at the APOKI’s FORMULA for grace and productivity.


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