The Camera Focuses More on Beautiful Images
Most of what you admire in people especially on social media are the beautiful images of their lives....

Change and Disruption—Lessons From Cassava Harvest [3]
One of Newton’s laws of motion states that everything continues in a state of rest or permanent motion...

Lessons From Cassava Harvest [2]
I like the way my worker grabbed the stems. That’s how to handle the issues of life. This...

Lessons From Cassava Harvest [1]
There is nothing great that turns up without effort. It might involve different people at different times and...

Don’t Only Do Prayer Walks to Possess Your City. Invest In Real Estate
Invest in real estate in parts of the city you walk on as you pray. Legally acquire part...

Learn To Ride The Big Waves When They Come
Surfers are usually on the lookout for the big waves. Business is usually like that. There are great...

The Systems Theory and Agriculture
The Systems Theory postulates in simple terms that society is like a system with inputs that are processed...

The Real Sowing In The Land
And Isaac sowed in the land and reaped a hundred fold . . . That is what it...

Performance and the Pathway to Progress and Prosperous Living
In the video, you can see me applying poultry manure to our cassava in the farm. I left...

The Years Cascade into Each Other: Creativity, Capacity, and Carry Over from 2020
I have had to preach several stupid messages in the time past, during the end of year programs...