The Other Side of Agriculture

It’s a funny story, but finish reading it.

I’m sharing my rooms upstairs with chicks.

These chicks came in a few days before the 4th of September, 2021. My wife had prepared a place for them in the poultry in our compound. But then it rained heavily and the poultry got flooded. So, we hastily transferred them to a room in the bungalow in the compound.

On the 4th of September, there was another heavy downpour, and before we knew it, water was seeping from the floor where we kept them. My wife had gone to Onitsha to buy stuff for school resumption and I was in a zoom meeting with Urhobo Progress Union in the Americas. We had to hastily prepare one of the restrooms in one of the unoccupied rooms, upstairs, to host the chicks.

Ese, my son, and one of my workers were bailing water from the rooms and salvaging feeds and other materials.

I had the Zoom meeting with the fellows in the US from the same room with the chicks. They did not know their keynote speaker was in the same room with chicks. These creatures refused to keep quiet. So I shut the door against them and used earphones.

I remember my wife said on the 28th of August that when she visited my parent’s mud house for the first time at Okere, where we lived, chickens were living under my bed. History has repeated itself; she is now living with chickens in her beautiful duplex.

Life will not always serve you good balls; however, learn not to lose the match.

Don’t criticize what you have not experienced or understood.

Those chickens were safer under my bed because of some Okere “good” boys then. In the same way, we have secured chicks upstairs in our duplex.

See you at Christmas when I will sell them as “holy broilers“.

Remember, fowl money nor dey smell ooh.

Doctor when dey sleep for the same house with fowl, I nor dey shame.

Keynote speaker when dey do zoom meeting with people for America and fowl dey the room, I nor dey shame.

Na my money I dey find ooh.

If I didn’t tell you now, you won’t know how the broilers got to the market.

It’s not easy with anybody; they just know how to play to win.

God Bless You.

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