Any soldier out of King Saul’s army could have killed Goliath if they knew that as an uncircumcised philistine, there was a death sentence on him for insulting Jehovah. Only David dared to confront Goliath; others ran away from him.

A lot of us run from our Goliaths.

Goliath paraded size, statistics, scary appearance, and stories of those who succumbed to his power. David had insight and faith, based on what Jehovah had done for him in the past.

God had seen me through more difficult circumstances before. I remember when we were building Petra Christian Academy Ughelli. It was a swamp and seven tippers were bringing sand for filling for days. At this time of the year, then, I would go speak to the land and call the foundation into existence.

Somehow, garri price rose astronomically around this time (which was sometime in June this year). I rode the wave and got money to dig the foundation. I would go to the dug foundation and call forth money to pay workers.

Around this period, also, I got a phone call to deliver a series of lectures. Honorarium came and I had funds to pay some bills.


But note this:

  1. I bought granite several months before now.
    I live Internationally. My people have a saying that it’s during daylight that you start searching for a black goat, not in the dark.
  2. For each speaking engagement I came from, I bought two to three trips of sand, so I had about 20 trips of sand on the ground.
    I learnt this from Igho Okeya, my lawyer. It forms part of our principle of gradualism.
  3. I got a loan facility from my cooperative to buy 600 bags of cement.
    Some simple questions: How many of you reading this belong to a reliable and functional co-operative? How many of you are responsible co-operators?
  4. I asked for help from my friends and partners and it was great leverage.

When David killed Goliath, he needed the rest of the army of Saul to secure the victory. Your network is your net worth.

Special thanks to all my friends and partners.

Remember, we have very fertile and affordable land for sale at Effurun-Otor just behind Petra Institute, Effurun-Otor.

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