The idea to build a tertiary institution started in 2012, and I have been acquiring land since then.

The inertia to start was quite enormous. However, I learnt from my wife that “the best way to start, is to start, and only what is started is finished“.

Don’t wait until everything is ready before you start. Start with what you have in your hands.

There is no perfect date or condition. Set the date and create the atmosphere for the actualization of your dream.

I surveyed the land and molded about 10,000 blocks from the donations from my 60th birthday.

I have been clearing the place bit by bit. I could not afford a bulldozer, but I have achieved my objective of removing all the big trees.

Everything has been based on the principle of gradualism.

Even the sand they we are using now, I paid for them from little sums I got as gifts.

The money for digging the foundation came from my garri sales.

Part of what I paid out today to the masons was also from my last garri sales.

I have a list of all donors towards what’s happening right now.

We will name streets, avenues, and lecture halls after such partners.

To support the Petra Institute Dream, please use the following links:

God bless you all.

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