Journey To Abuja—Don’t Judge a Book By The Cover

I deliberately decided to enjoy the journey by train from Ujevwu to Itakpe.

One thing that has helped me mentoring young people is that I’m not judgmental when I meet them. I always remember how I was as a young person. I try to cultivate their friendship and admiration, and then I influence them with my lifestyle.

So there were these very funny young men sitting opposite us in the train and they were sharing some drinks. The tendency for the average ‘Man of God’, as if others are ‘men of satan’ is to despise them. But after my outburst and protest in the train, I found out that they were human right activists, doing so much to eradicate evil and human rights abuse in Nigeria.

It turned out that their leader, Israel Joe, was also a recipient of an award from the Africa leadership and diplomatic Academy, Abuja, and they also have been following me online. They turned out to be very respectful young men. They clustered around me to take a group photo.

The train is having fun on the go. The only challenge is that they don’t work on Saturday and Sunday. We chartered an air-conditioned Sienna van for 30,000 Naira from Itakpe to Abuja. It turned out to be about N3500 for each of us.

The trip from Itakpe to Abuja was stressful because of failed portions of the road, but it was safe. There were armed guards on the train and they were very nice, though I wish they had more sophisticated guns because, God forbid, if the train has a breakdown in the middle of nowhere, it will be terrible.

I just pray the train service extends to Abuja.

One interesting thing about the Ujevwu to Itakpe train service is the increased commercial activities at the terminals. There were commercial motorcycle riders and food vendors at big stations, and there were a lot of vehicles at the Itakpe terminal.

If schools and other organisations organise tours, the volume of business will definitely increase.

If the onboard entertainment can be improved, it will make the trip more interesting. The music from the sound system was quite soothing.

We are not yet there, but we are not where we used to be. I have tried to concentrate on the very positive side.

God Bless You.

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