Some years back, someone once told me that my ‘carton‘ was not attractive enough. He said that my wife and I do not dress well. At least, according to him, I was one of the “prominent” Urhobo preachers they had.

I wonder how their ‘prominentometer’ functions.

Lessons of Life

1. Be the best prominentometer for yourself.

Be very very realistic and brutally truthful to yourself.

Don’t ever deceive yourself by people’s opinions. Their opinions don’t pay the bills of over decorated and overrated cartons. It’s your content that pays.

Cartons don’t last long; new designs always come and go.

2. Always know the stage you are in your developmental journey, and under divine guidance, know what to do, and how to get ‘there’.

By the time you reach the place called there, most of the CARTONS would look very obsolete and unattractive.

Spend more effort to develop generationally relevant content. That’s the way to sustain popularity.

Be like a flowing river of content; always come out with fresh supplies.

On my way to Port Harcourt to deliver a lecture.

3. Do a cost-benefit analysis of your cartons and your destination.

Always ask yourself, “At what cost?

4. Don’t let popularity put your carton, this time, your body and person, under pressure.

Be relaxed; there is nothing to prove.

Never forget where God picked you from.

5. Be reasonable and adaptable.

In the video, I am taking public transport because the roads are terrible, the traffic is crazy, and I had told my host at Aba that I won’t raise funds, so I don’t need to put them under financial pressure.

6. On a last note, the Doctor who does not dress well, wears clothes gifted to him by people.

Mudi Africa made a dress for me on my 60th birthday.

The dress and shoes I’m putting on for this trip are gifts, and there are more pastors that have asked for my measurements to send me clothing. One young man gave me 23 pieces of clothes some years back.

Just get there; popularity and value will then pay the bills through generationally relevant content and productivity.

God bless you.

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