Someone rightly said that the secrets of great men are in their stories.

My life has been very unusual, but interesting.

I started writing this book in preparation for my 50th birthday celebrations. I can’t remember why, but I abandoned it until my son, Ufuoma Apoki, dug it up from somewhere. I tried to focus on some incidences in my life and the lessons I learnt from them. I tried, to the best of my ability, to recall some key events in my sixty-year journey so far.

I tried not to write about people, but I had to mention some inadvertently. I frankly do not feel bitter by any negative experience I experienced with any person or persons. Such experiences contributed to making a better person out of me. In fact, I thank God for such experiences.

I am not a rich man, but I consider myself as wealthy and self-actualized. I now understand why Nigerian politicians can say terrible things about someone and hobnob with the same person when they decamp to join that individual. They have attained self-actualization.

There are still lands to conquer, but God has blessed me with a unique grace, and I have scaled unusual mountains from deep valleys of life.

I tried to bring in a trace of history, fun, and wisdom to bear in this book, but most importantly, I have tried to share key lessons of life I learnt in my journey of life so far.

I believe that reading this book will transport you temporarily into my past and propel you to a great future for yourself. Most importantly, it will help you understand my understanding of myself. Sometimes, I wish I was a more normal person, but my unusualness is founded in my unusual background and experiences.

If you feel bad about the lessons of my life, I owe no apologies because two people hardly see life from the same lenses. I hope you find something you can apply to your life. They worked for me and I’m happy I passed this unique and personal road.

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