Text: Proverbs 24:3-5

What is knowledge?

According to online definitions, knowledge includes the following:

1. Facts

These are verifiable truthful information that can stand—and have stood—the test of time. They are realities condensed in statements.

2. Information

This is new awareness, in addition to what you are already aware of.

In Ruth 1:6, Naomi heard that bread had returned to Bethlehem; that was new awareness. When they heard that Boaz was threshing wheat at a particular time, that was, yet another, new awareness.

3. Skills

Skills are acquired abilities to perform specific tasks. Driving skills, for instance, are learned. You are said to know how to drive when you acquire the techniques of driving. However, there are additional skills that you can personally develop by experience or by training.

4. Understanding of a Subject

Understanding is a new level of revelation from information, training, and experience. Therefore, understanding can be acquired through theoretical and practical training. Understanding can best be understood by the Urhobo expression: Ehen! Or Eyeh! Or Na so?

5. Awareness or familiarity

This is gained experience of a fact or situation.

The woman in John 4:25-26 said, “I know that Messiah (called Christ) is coming. When He comes, He will explain everything to us.” Then Jesus declared, “I, who speak to you, am He.” She had a head knowledge and an expectation of the messiah, Jesus Christ, but she and her fellow townsfolk subsequently had a personal and a more realistic knowledge of Jesus Christ.


What is power?

1. Power is the ability to achieve a task or set of objectives.

2. It is the ability to influence others to behave in an expected way.

3. Power also involves authority. Authority is the ability to exercise influence and control over a person, group of people, or situation.

In this write-up, we shall look at how knowledge can translate to power. In other words, we shall be looking at how knowledge can be used to achieve tasks or set objectives. Therefore, knowledge that cannot be used to achieve anything, particularly positive, is virtually useless.

Proverbs 24:3-5 says, By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures. The wise prevail through great power, and those who have knowledge muster their strength.

From the passage above, we can clearly see the following attributes of wisdom, understanding, and knowledge:

1. Wisdom is a builder of destinies, legacies, businesses, kingdoms, etc.

2. Understanding, which is the outcome of processing knowledge, leads to establishment, stability, durability, and sustainability of businesses, destinies, legacies, kingdoms, and ministries.

3. Knowledge adds beauty, attractiveness, quality, value, and wealth to anything built or established.

4. We can clearly see in Verse 4 that a wise man has great power, but that knowledge increases this power or strength.

Speaking at Ama-Ebimo Zion, Kunukunuma on The Power of Knowledge.

One thing the average pastor and Christian should realize is that: the day Christ died on the cross, the whole sins of humanity was paid for. Secondly, the whole earth was healed by the blood that hit the earth (from which man was formed, and a curse placed to grow thorns and thistles from). The reason the grave cannot hold a Christian bound is because the earth has no legal right to hold any righteous person captive again. However, thirdly, and most importantly, when Christ carried the crown on His head, the curse of thorns and thistles was revoked, and with the blood shed from His brow, God freed man from feeding by sweating from his brow. Man’s creative ability was unchained on Calvary; even for unbelievers, this is true. Anytime an unbeliever uses his/her mind in a godly and positive endeavor, the power of knowledge is revealed and released.

I must quickly say that knowledge has both positive and negative abilities to influence, control, and achieve objectives. It is expected that a Christian is supposed to direct his/her mind towards godly, productive, and positive efforts for the good of humanity and the environment.

Outside the Bible, the first documented occurrence of the phrase, “knowledge is power” is from Imam Ali (599–661 CE) in his book, “Nahj Al-Balagha”.

He said,

Knowledge is power and it can command obedience. A man of knowledge during his lifetime can make people obey him and follow him and he is praised and venerated after his death. Remember that knowledge is a ruler and wealth is its subject”.

Saying 146

From this great Islamic Scholar and the leader of the Shiite Islamic sect, we can see that the power of knowledge is ecumenical, universal, and not limited to Christianity as pastors tend to make us believe. The only distinction for us Christians is that we know Jesus Christ, we call on His name and get answers, we have the Holy Spirit that empowers us, and we have become members of the Kingdom and household of Jehovah and are joint heirs of His kingdom. We have a present and an eternal hope. This knowledge is beyond ordinary understanding.

Sir Francis Bacon, in 1597, used a paraphrase, “scientia est potentia” in Latin which means “knowledge, itself, is power”. He was an English philosopher, statesman, scientist, jurist, orator, and author. He served both as Attorney General and Lord Chancellor of England.

In my previous write-ups and broadcasts on The Rich Rule Over The Poor and Stand Out!, we have been looking at how people become rich, successful, or powerful and rule over others. Ironically, there are very many educated people and Christians, who are very intelligent too, but are not powerful or influential. According to Moshood Ademola Fayemiwo and Margie Marie Neal in the biography on Dangote, they said (and rightly too), “Many youngsters, nowadays, believe that the possessions of chains of university degrees guarantee themselves success in life. On the contrary, experiences have shown from the lives of successful business people that knowledge trumps education. Education is the world’s formal way of giving information to young people through kindergarten to the tertiary level. However, real education lies outside the four walls of the formal institutions. The ability to tap into such undiscovered information is what is known as knowledge. How to use education and knowledge to change your little corner of the world is wisdom. Of course, formal education is important, but any young person who thinks staying in college for four to eight years and earning a bachelor’s, master’s and a doctorate will turn him into a billionaire is joking. What formal education does is to open your eyes to information that will enable you to unlock your potentials and tap into undiscovered terrain.

From Imam Ali to this last quote you can glean out the following:

1. Knowledge is power

2. Knowledge can command obedience.

As a medical doctor, you can give an instruction to your president based on your medical specialty and he will obey you.

3. Knowledge commands followership.

Most people—some say about 95% of the human population—do not reason for themselves. They just follow others. In fact, some people believe that 95% of the population dare not think for themselves; if they do, they will die. This includes many of our youths (even in universities), our young ladies, and even church members.

4. People praise a person of knowledge and venerate him after death.

Fela Anikulapo Kuti, Bob Marley, Bruce Lee, Chinua Achebe, Professor Awojobi, etc. are respected even after death. Same as Imam Ali, who is the found of the Shiite sect of Islam.

5. Knowledge is a ruler and wealth is its subject.

If the rich rule over the poor and wealth is the subject of knowledge, then, knowledgeable people should rule over others without knowledge. However, someone rightly said that, “Those with ideas and knowledge don’t rule, but people without knowledge rule over them”. In fairness to those who rule, they have discovered the know-how, strategies, and intricacies of wielding power, and also in most disorganized societies, military power is placed above intellectual power (which shouldn’t be). Most intellectual people are also too scared or cautious to do what it takes to transform such intellect into knowledge that rules.

6. Knowledge involves the ability to tap into undiscovered information. Education that cannot assist you to tap into these undiscovered information is a waste of time.

7. Formal education should help you open your eyes on how to unlock your potentials and enable you to tap into undiscovered areas of life.

In the next post, we’ll be looking at how the power in knowledge can be unlocked.

God Bless You.


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