Audio Messages

  • Vision & Delayed Gratification
  • Focus
  • Perceivable Value
  • Ishmael
  • Ambassadorial Consciousness
  • Key Ingredients Relevant for Life
  • Born to Soar
  • Guided Missiles
  • The Principles of Mary Magdalene 1 & 2
  • Certification, Career, & Cash Flow
  • Dynamism of Wealth
  • Expansion of Wealth
  • The Department of Stomach Sciences
  • I am afraid of Tomorrow
  • The Reality of Times
  • Commitment
  • Breaking the Yoke of Poverty
  • Financial Intelligence & Investment Options in Retirement
  • The Seeds of Stubborness
  • The Seeds of Drug Abuse
  • The Seeds of Smoking
  • The Seeds of Alcohol Abuse
  • This Nonsense Must Stop
  • Position
  • Cultism
  • Deception
  • Gambling
  • Bewitchment
  • The Gibeonites
  • The Spirit of Judas
  • Be not Deceived
  • Procastination
  • Punctuality
  • Debt and Debt Management
  • Legacy
  • Entitlement Mentality
  • The Iron Law of Oligarchy
  • Executive Leprosy
  • Building Enduring Family Businesses
  • Content
  • Creating a New You in a New Year
  • Divorce 1 & 2
  • Energy
  • Excellence in Life and Ministry
  • Excelling in an Economic Meltdown
  • Growing Small-scale Businesses
  • Healthcare Challenges in Nigeria
  • Inlaws and Outlaws
  • Oh Lord! Heal our Land
  • Positioning
  • Reckless Adventurism
  • Responsibility
  • The Power of Fellowship
  • This Nonsense Must Stop
  • Value
  • Vegetable Farming
  • Wealth for Kingdom Exploits

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