“Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint”, according to the Bible.

During the Q&A session after yesterday’s lecture at the First Baptist church Ughelli, a young man asked what he should do if he earns 5000 Naira and he has numerous demands that are more than his income.

That does not usually apply to me. I live according to the principle of fitness for purpose and minimalism. My wants are insatiable, but my needs are satiated very easily. I have needs to fulfil my purpose to humanity. Like those vehicles, you see in the school compound, they are used to convey school children to and from school at a fee because of the poor public transportation in Ughelli.

For many years, I have had only one set of cufflinks. I have only one clerical collar and shirt that I wore for my ordination 23 years ago. The pieces of furniture in my sitting room are very basic. My lawyer has been screaming to the heavens that I should buy a bigger television set, but I have consistently told him that I don’t need it now unless he gifts me one.

I’m not under pressure to impress anyone fashionably

If you have been following me on this page, you would have noticed that I recycle the same set of clothes unless I’m gifted a new set. This video was done immediately after our church service. I don’t have a single pair of suit as of now, I gave out the last 3 pairs recently. “I’m not a model”, according to Angela Markel; I’m a preacher and businessman. You are on this page because of my content, not my “carton“. How can you buy clothes, shoes, jewellery, wristwatch, and even perfume on credit because you want to attend a ceremony?

I don’t owe after any conference I organise or ceremony. I buried both my parents 4 weeks apart I did not owe. I was about 32 years old then, and I even built a bungalow with two flats. None of my brothers helped me.

I married during my NYSC year. I was 26, and my wife was pregnant. Nobody contributed a penny, but I did not owe a penny. I restrained myself and only did what was fit for the purpose. It’s my marriage, not yours. I still have the records from 6/12/1985. I spent N3,100 when the US Dollar was 2 to a Naira. My allowance was N200.

One of the things I will write down as I get older is that my family members must not wear Ashoebi to bury me. They must wear their regular clothes. I’m a regular guy, though abnormal.

You can’t help every person, go to every wedding, or burial.

You must not donate in every launching event. You must not spray money like the average person. Put your own in an envelope and present it to the person.

Don’t go into debt to impress people; that’s personal bewitchment.

I know of an oil company worker who borrows money to spray at parties. When he is exhausted, he will reloan what he had sprayed from the host with interest and spray competitively to impress people.
Today he is retired, lonely, broke and confused.

Some folks are like beasts that perish in the bush.

Don’t buy things you did not budget for

You must not own a thing because you like it. Can you afford it? Do you really need it? What happened to the one you have been using? If you think I’m crazy, read about Jimmy Carter and Warren Buffet.

You must not have sex with every beautiful lady you admire. I get tempted at my age and spiritual status. Even ‘old gun’ can still fit kill person ooh. Handle it with care.

Stay away from impulsive spenders

Mark any of your friends who buys on impulse or out of admiration and showmanship, they are always short of cash. They always know what is good for you as if you are senseless.

Do you have a friend who is always in need of money when you go out with him/her? (S)He must be an impulsive buyer. When you give them money, they don’t pay at all or pay on time. If they know you have money, they always have new suggestions of what you must spend money on. Such people must be resisted like the devil if you must have them around you because of their services. It’s a destructive spirit; they lack self-restraint.

Develop the self-restraint to focus on your life and your vision this year

I hardly attend meetings or ceremonies. If I do, after one hour, I’m done because I hardly eat or drink anything in public. I started that more than 30 years back.

Don’t get entangled in another person’s vision. Once you finish preaching, go and build your life, in case they don’t need you again, which will one day happen.

Spend time on your vision. Focus on your purpose. Don’t preach all over the world without any evidence to show. Don’t run from one church activity to the other. Prioritise your life even if you are the general overseer. Don’t let your wife and children suffer or fight with wicked and desperate church members when you depart.

Time is a merciless teacher.

You can’t love your neighbours more than yourself. Before dishing out wisdom to humanity, I first apply them to my life before sharing them with you.

God Bless You.


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