If you have not checked the meaning of Talakawa, please do.

I am amazed at what little sums of money can achieve over a period of time. I learnt from my wife, very early in marriage, to tag nearly every sum of money. She created responsibilities for nearly every sum. The one for publication and sales of books had their own tags. School fees, house rent, debts, etc. had their own tags. Now, as she manages the school, the ones from canteen, uniforms, school fees, etc. are given tags and responsibilities. In this way, she attached value and history to our monies.

Remember, I married her during my year of National Service; she was 24 and I was 26 years old. The salary was 200 Naira. She went with me for NYSC with pregnancy. My eldest son was born during the service year, and we had to manage everything and every penny.

For everything we have achieved, there is a historical value and source attached to them. I can name most of the people and churches that contributed to different units of our lives. In this way, you control your money and money does not control you.

Your vision should direct your expenditure, not the pictures you see from television or the internet.

We could have squandered the little resources we were receiving then and even now.

One of the spiritual principles we have worked with is that once you tag or label your money, heaven and earth agrees with you. Whatever names Adam gave to the animals in Eden, God agreed. The animals were the resources of Adam.

Label your time and you will derive more value from each day. Tag them with responsibilities and you will find out that you are more productive.

What people see today is nine years of continuous application of the labeling and tagging principles of money. I molded the blocks we are using now, did the survey of the land, and cut down the trees from the money I realised as gifts from my 60th birthday.

When you label your time and money, they become spiritually registered trademarks. A word for our young motivational preachers and itinerant preachers: if you don’t apply these principles, before you know it, you are 40 years old. And very quickly, you are fifty, and your mind will be deceiving you that there is still time.

The story of Sanders, the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken is like the chances of finding a diamond in a beach.

Live intentionally.

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God Bless You

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