I Share A Deep Secret With You

I got tired of saying we are going to build Petra Institute, Effurun-Otor; I needed to start building.

I remember what I have learnt from my wife; she usually starts the fight before her challenge realises that the battle has started.

There was a property I wanted to buy to add to the school site at Ughelli. I used to tell her, “I claim this land in Jesus name“. She told me once, “Please stop claiming; go and meet the owner and know the price“. I am wise enough not to get offended with such counsel, no matter the tone. So I went to meet the owner. I did not know he had a financial challenge and he needed money desperately; he asked me how much I could deposit. I told him, and he gave me a receipt. I eventually finished paying for it.

I fixed a date for the foundation laying ceremony to coincide with my birthday. After a while, I ran out of funds. Remember my post on learning to ride the big waves? The price of garri suddenly started to increase. Despite all the protests from my usual workers, I had to recruit more workers including the enemies of my former workers. I saw an opportunity, and I needed to maximize it. I harvested cassava nearly everyday, even late into the evening.

The community women were making comments like “na Jeep them take dey carry cassava?” They did not know what was pursuing me.

It was the money I sold from garri that I used to pay those who dug the foundation, and there was even some left for the contractor.

Sometimes, until you move, God may not move. Until you act, God may not act.

One great healing-evangelist once said that if the Holy Spirit is not ready to move, he will move the Holy Spirit. It sounds arrogant, but he got results. If your son is attempting to walk and he is about to fall, you will move.

Join me to make this project a reality.

To support the Petra Institute Dream, please use the following links:



PS: I paid for these materials before now. Building a house is easier than buying a car. You can be accumulating your materials in bits, but you, most times, pay once for a car. Don’t expect the mega-breakthrough before you build a house. Buy the land; you can pay twice or more. Then, buy sand gradually. Each time I came from a preaching engagement, I bought some trips of sand or paid money to the owner of the sand beach. You can read more from my book, “The Philosophy of The Ant“.


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