In Lesson 3 (The Elasticity of Humanity) of this series on COVID-19, we talked about Captain Tom Moore, who set out to walk 10 laps, everyday, for 25 times, to cover 2.5 km, at age 99.

His initial goal was just to raise £1,000 in support of NHS (National Health Service).

As of today, he just broke a Guinness World Record.

tom Moore

Lessons of Life

It is never too late to set a record and help humanity. 

Some of his mates were dying of COVID-19, but he was setting a world record. 

It was not the distance he covered, which was just about 2.5 km, but his age and timing.

It’s not what he did, but providence shone on him. It’s not always the intensity of your actions or effort in an activity that always matters; sometimes, providence might go a long way to determine the results you get.

It is not what happens around you, but the way you respond to it.

People are complaining of no jobs, no food, and asking for palliatives, but he created work for himself, and raised money for others, more than the budgets of some countries for COVID-19.

It is not too late to break a record if you don’t allow your circumstances to break you.

Don’t give up! There are still lands to conquer. 

God told Joshua, “I know you are old and well-stricken in age, but there are still lands to conquer”. 

Tell yourself, “I will not die now, there are still lands to conquer, countries to visit, messages to preach, projects to undertake, nations to bless”. 

God bless you as you take the first step.


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