Things will never be the same again globally, and in Nigeria, in particular.

The relationship between society and government will hardly be the same in Nigeria.

The COVID-19 pandemic has removed the mask from the hypocritical lifestyles of those we looked up to.

What we considered our source of pride, spirituality, success, and strength were considered as non-essential services.

Cathedrals in Europe were closed. The Church of the Sepulchre, which according to tradition holds two of the holiest sites in Christianity, in Israel was closed. The last time it was closed, according to those who keep the keys of the church, was in 1349 during the Black Plague.

The mosques in Saudi Arabia were closed.

Aircraft carriers in the U.S. naval command were evacuated and even wars were stopped.

Schools and universities were closed.

Hospitals were being constructed in stadiums and conference centers.

Football leagues were called off.

The Olympics was shifted to the year 2021.

Film theaters were closed.

In Nigeria, people were/are more worried about hunger than the corona virus. There was hunger in the land everywhere.

I started preparations to plant in December 2019, before I went to Cameroon.

In every period of crisis or confusion, there are people who stand to benefit (naturally or illegally) during the period and after the period. For every demand, there is a supply. Grim as it sounds, when someone dies, someone else benefits from selling a coffin. When there’s an abundance of hunger, when the lock down is over, people who produce food and other necessities will be better off. Food is going to be a major problem in 2020 to 2021. He who has food will have wealth in the coming years.

In the absence of conspiracy theories, you can position yourself (by your actions and decisions) to be in a position where you don’t lose during the lock down and after the period is over.

You can postpone the Olympics, but you can’t postpone hunger.

You can lock down streets, but you can’t lock down hunger.

God Bless You.


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