The Cost Of A Damaged Reputation
Lessons Of My Life I had built a reputation over the years of being punctual when I have...

Celebrating 21 Years Of Friendship
At Chapel of Answers, Aba with Rev. Chibueze Okezie. Lessons Of My Life 1. Treasure relationships. They are...

Building Like the Ant [2]
In continuation of the story of Building Like The Ant, here are some more lessons on the purpose...

Another Look At Potentials
The pictures below are of my goats. Definition: Potential is having or showing the capacity to develop into...

Lessons I Learnt From My Wife On Mother’s Day
1. She is not afraid of facing challenges. While I was away preaching, she completed the first phase...

The Story Behind The Glory—Building Like the Ant
In continuation on The New Year Has Started, here are a few lessons I’ve picked up. Lessons Of...

Developmental Christianity
And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will...

Building A Healthy Home
A healthy family/home is a family that is spiritually, physically, intellectually, mentally, and financially sound, and socially responsible....

A Visit To Igbide—A Peep Into The Future
I met Venerable Mathew A. E. Igri about 18 years back when I started running seminars for the...

Esau Stopped Being A Hunter
We continue on the transformation of Esau after considering the study on The Spirit of Esau in The...