Celebrating 21 Years Of Friendship

At Chapel of Answers, Aba with Rev. Chibueze Okezie.

Lessons Of My Life

1. Treasure relationships.

They are a measure of your wisdom and strength of character.

2. Value more those who add value to your life.

3. Be mutually respectful and appreciative of each other despite age, financial and academic differences.

I met this my friend in 1998 at Christian Pentecostal Mission (CPM) Ojike Lane, Aba, when I just started ministry. I was thirty-nine years old, and he was much younger than me, but I was ready to tap into what I admired in him. I admired his sense of finesse and seriousness about life and ministry. I also shared my experiences with him. I never related with him with any airs. I asked him several times how he was able to do some stuff I admired in him and drew inspiration from him.

4. Life is, sometimes, very ironical.

One day he was lodged in Terminus Hotel at Aba. I went with my wife to visit him in his room. I told my wife that a time shall come and we will be sleeping in hotels all over Nigeria. My friend booked me into a luxurious suite in the same hotel where I made that declaration. My wife and I have since stayed in countless hotels round Nigeria.

There was a day he came to visit me from Warri after I had moved to Ughelli, Delta State. We sat by a well and discussed the future we are seeing today. When his all-female gorgeously-dressed protocol officers came to pick me in a convoy to the very cosy church, I remembered where we were coming from.

I wondered why he even invited me. I could sense he just wanted to honour our friendship and celebrate my 60th birthday with me. He took very good care of me.

What have you admired in my life? I don’t really know, but I make a declaration today that it will also come to pass.

I met Myles Munroe at an airport as we were about to board a flight and I said in my heart, “I want wisdom like this man”. I suspect I’m wiser than before I prayed that prayer.


God bless all those who treasure friendship and admire good in others.

Ministry is complementary not competitive or comparative.

I’m still myself but I’m adding to my life from the mountains of others. One day, this my hill shall become a mountain.

God Bless you.

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