Our team made up of Pastor Ugbeh Raymond Orogun Nduka and Denis Agori took our SOS4 Campaign to Afiesere Secondary School, near Ughelli.

We were on ground before 7 a.m. as usual, and set up our equipment for the outreach. I had booked an appointment with the principal, through a parent in our school. The principal, Mr. Chris Awhayevwu, an old boy of Government College Ughelli, was on ground to introduce us to the staff and students.

Lessons of Life

1. We need men and women of passion and action to stem the tide of moral and intellectual decay in our society.

I mean people who refuse to accept that the situation in Nigeria is hopeless. Yes, the situation of moral and infrastructural decay is in a crisis situation, but there are still people who believe that we are where we are in Nigeria currently because of despondent leaders who accepted the status quo. The current principal of the school is an action man. He was like a field commander marshaling his forces to war.

2. I had been speaking on the Dangers of Cultism for some time in several secondary schools, but there was a conflict in my spirit today. Issues like cultism, prostitution, and even the recent alarm about suicide amongst our youths is traceable to some deeper issues.

3. Absence of Developmental Christianity

We have created a delusional gospel of fleeting utopia without stress and strain. We have portrayed Jesus as a God that wants to provide answers for all the stupid demands we place on him.

A lot of the prophecies we make to our people are based on false foundations that do not tell their listeners about the reality of life and the big gap between reality and theology.

When people now face the bitter truths about the reality of life, they get depressed and feel worthless. Why will a young man commit suicide because he committed adultery? David committed adultery and murder, and even God personally embarrassed him, but he did not commit suicide.

4. Shared experiences

We need pastors and preachers who have suffered hardship, pain, suffering, and failures to share their stories and how they have overcome. This will encourage others. The messages we preach make any setbacks look like rejection by God which leads to depression.

5. Learned Helplessness

A lot of the students were from poor homes and the desperate situation in Nigeria makes them feel hopeless and helpless. That’s why they resort to alcohol, drugs, cultism, and premarital sex. When they feel empty despite these acts, suicide is the next option.

6. Models of Hope

I told the students about my very poor background and the very difficult challenges I went through and still got to where I am today. I shared with them the need to have dreams that could fire them to perspire to acquire what they have been inspired to achieve.

7. We all need somebody to lean on

I told them they could be mentored by my team.

At the end of the outreach the children wanted to just touch me. I could feel their need to be loved and encouraged; sadly, it is not there in most homes from which these students come from.

Two students, Difference and Goodluck, were give copies of Hold On To Your Vision for being the first students to arrive to the school and served as models of punctuality for others.

Shocking Revelation: A fourteen-year-old girl came close and whispered to me that she has sex with married men and young people. Imagine what her immature mind has been battling with. I handed her over to my link there.

How many more children are passing through very difficult times in that school and several other homes?

I want to thank my partners, Salimo Wits Foundation, my team, and all the principals of these schools for giving us an opportunity to save our students from destruction.

You can be partners in this great endeavour alongsideĀ Salimo Wits Foundation. You can call us on +2348028258702 or send a mail to drcharlesapoki@gmail.com for more inquiries on partnering in theĀ SOS4 Program.

Remember to pray for us.

God Bless You.

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