Most Nigerian Politicians Suffer From The Peter Principle
Speaking on Quest TV on the topic, “State Of The Nation”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J60086BEK70&feature=share

“Becoming a Financial Giant” Giveaway
For all book lovers, “Becoming a Financial Giant” will be available on Amazon at a giveaway price of $0.00...

“Maximising Moments” Giveaway
For all book lovers, “Maximising Moments: Rahab, the Prostitute” will be available on Amazon at a giveaway price of...

Jehovah Is A Rewarder Of Diligence
On Friday, 19th April, I was invited as a guest speak for the Jesus And Me (JAM) Conference...

“The Dynamism of Wealth” Giveaway
For all book lovers, “The Dynamism Of Wealth” will be available on Amazon at a giveaway price of $0.00...

After The Odd Jobs Come The “Up Jobs”
I had a previous post on odd jobs being part of the ministry. God will first test your...