Jehovah Is A Rewarder Of Diligence

On Friday, 19th April, I was invited as a guest speak for the Jesus And Me (JAM) Conference organised by all the campus fellowships of CGMI in Nigeria. We are expecting hundreds of youths in attendance.

I shall be speaking on three topics that I have been dwelling on for some time now.

  1. Becoming outstanding
  2. Becoming financial giants
  3. The power of knowledge

Lessons Of My Life

  1. Be diligent in your service in your denomination and wherever you find yourself.

The scope of what can manifest from what you are doing in your denomination or workplace is not determined by the title. Put another way, your entitlement from your services in your congregation is not going to be measured by your current title.

I remember when I was a Youth Sunday School teacher at 39 Umuola Road, Church of God Mission International, Ogbor Hill, about 30 years ago. My class was at the choir stand and it grew very fast because I put my life into all that I do.

Today I’m here to speak to our youths from various campuses. I’m so honoured to be the first guest to sleep in this suite, because the hotel was just opened 6 days ago.

  1. God expects and desires that we prosper even as we minister in His vineyard.

I graduated to become Men’s Sunday School teacher and eventually the Sunday School Superintendent. I also became the Men’s Fellowship leader.

It is noteworthy that I recently spoke to our Men’s Fellowship groups from the whole country at the Balm of Gilead conference centre. I am billed to speak to the men of Assemblies of God Church Nigeria from all over Nigeria. This is the third time I’m speaking to them apart from my tour of all their districts in Nigeria.

  1. I opened the Word of Faith School at Aba, Abia State, thanks to Bishop B. C. Edohasim. I also put in my best. Today it is one of the best schools in Nigeria.

God has rewarded me with one of the best schools in my city, if not my state.

  1. Some Christians stagnate because they despised (and still despise) little things they do in their denominations.

Others get engrossed in congregational and denominational politics and contentions. Some expect their promotion and recognition in their congregations and denominations. Once they don’t immediately get it, they rebel and move away; they, most times, abort the pregnancy of their destiny.

Please, please, avoid contention with your local pastor or leader. The pulpit in your local church is too local and too small to fight for.

Remember patience, diligence, and self-improvement is ultimately very rewarding.


1. Monday, 22nd April, 2019, is Word and Wisdom Conference.
Time: 10 a.m.
Venue: Petra Christian Academy, Ughelli.

2. 60th Birthday and Book Reveal/Launch
Date: Saturday, 27th April 2019
Time: 12 Noon
Venue: Petra Christian Academy, Ughelli.

God Bless You.

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