I had a previous post on odd jobs being part of the ministry.

God will first test your willingness to serve without preconditions. However, note that your elevation is based on how well you have performed in doing the odd jobs. He gave talents according to the abilities of the servants in doing small deeds in the master’s place in Matthew 25:14-30.

If you have done well at a level, ask God to promote you to another level. Develop yourself, educate yourself, and improve on your person and skills to excel at the new level. Don’t be shy or timid to ask for a bigger platform.

I was shocked to know that a blind man was paid 500,000 Naira just to speak for 15 minutes.

Note this: you can have great talents, skills, and abilities, but unless people of substance come in contact with you, you will rot at a certain level. You must be conscious of your abilities.

Psalm 49: 20 says, “A man who is in honor, yet does not understand, Is like the beasts that perish.

So if God has honoured you and you don’t know, you are like a beast and you can perish in the midst of OPPORTUNITIES.

I told my lawyer that I wanted to speak to corporate organisations this year. Last year I flew to Abuja to speak for only 20 minutes. Flights paid for and the accommodation was 41,000 Naira a night. I started this year with speaking to bankers on January 2nd. Today, I’m in this hotel suite costing 89,600 Naira, just to speak for one hour tomorrow. I won’t give further information, but after the odd jobs come the up jobs.

The weekend before today I was speaking to the elites and pastors in a state. I was chauffeured in a 30-million-Naira car from my hotel to the venue; it was in that car I received the call for this lecture.


With women leaders from Rivers and Akwa Ibom States and members of staff of Total Oil company and the Commissioner for Women Affairs in Port Harcourt after a workshop on self actualization.

Please be patient while you do the odd jobs. 

My prayer is that you will not rot with your talent. God will bring people who have value for your skills, knowledge, and anointing. Your season of recognition, promotion, and elevation is near; only one phone call will change your story.

Dare to ask God for a raise.


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