What Have You Of Sale Value?
We planted 2 acres of cassava April last year on this portion of our land. We have several...

Build Up To April 27th
We cannot leave the development of our nations and communities in the hands of Government alone.We cannot complain...

Practical Demonstration of Financial Polygamy
I confessed to you that I was financially polygamous. No amount is too small to impregnate. I got...

Entrepreneurship, Unemployment, and Education @ ABN
Speaking at African Broadcasting Network (ABN) on the 5th of March, 2021. ABN is the satellite broadcast station...

Breaking Your Alabaster Box
Alabaster boxes were used to store precious perfumes and ointments. Some Bible scholars believe that the alabaster boxes...

Lessons From Watermelon Cultivation
The idea to cultivate watermelons and the choice of the portion of land to plant them were not...

Be Ye Transformed By The Renewal of Your Mind
Until your purpose is identified, and your mind is renewed, stagnation is inevitable. Until the black man and...

Staying Power—One of the Secrets of Successful People
I will please ask that you read the whole of the Book of Ruth, Chapter 2, from verse...

The Philosophy of The Ant
The Ant is a very small creature, but it has a lifestyle that enables it to achieve great...