The Principle Of Accumulation And The Cascading Years
A few days ago, I wrote about Making The Years Cascade Into Each Other. One of the problems...

Work—The Purpose Of Your Existence
Scriptures: Ephesians 2:10, Matthew 5:13-16, Genesis 2:15; 19-25. When the purpose of a thing is not defined, it...

Community-Initiated Development And the Sub-urban Economy
Speaking on Saturday, the 22nd of December, during the 1st Owhelogbo Day Celebration at the Owhelogbo Community Town...

Affordable, Functional, and Purposeful Public Education and Social Justice: The GCU Experience
The pictures below are from my hotel room where I was invited to be the keynote speaker at...

A Mission Trip To Obiaruku— SOS4
Mr John Iloh is a retired regional manager of United Bank of Africa (UBA); he is also an...

WWC—21st of November
Make plans to attend Word and Wisdom Conference at Petra Christian Academy, Ughelli on the 21st of November,...

The Caterpillar, The Pupa, And The Butterfly
Speaking on Friday, 29th of October, to members of several cooperative societies in Ughelli and environs at the...

Lessons from My Wife’s Poultry—Dynamism
The first post about Lessons from my Wife’s Poultry was on the need for re-education. One Friday morning,...

The Mystery Of The Abundant Life
This message was delivered first in our annual Word and Wisdom Conference, which was on the 1st of...

Word and Wisdom Conference 2018
October 1st, 2018, was a wonderful day. We had our Word and Wisdom Conference at Petra Christian Academy,...