WWC—21st of November

Make plans to attend Word and Wisdom Conference at Petra Christian Academy, Ughelli on the 21st of November, the Id el Maulud holiday.

The theme of the conference is Leadership and Social Justice.

We’ll be having great speakers.

Dr. Olusegun Mimiko, a medical doctor, former Federal Minister for Housing and Urban Development, and former Governor of Ondo State will be speaking on his globally recognized and award-winning health project, the Abiye Pogram and social justice.

Dr. Leroy Edozien, a consultant gynecologist, former president of North England Gynecological Association, a holder of PhD Medical Law, and an international conference speaker from the UK will also be speaking on social justice and development.

Dr. Ovie Ughwanogho, a US-based medical consultant and philanthropist will be speaking on political representation and development.

Rev. Francis Ejiroghene Waive will be speaking on political representation as a reciprocal social contract.

Finally, I will be speaking on Healthy Relationships in Leadership, with special emphasis on church leadership.

The moderator for the day would be Professor Sunny Awhefeada, former Head of Department of English and Literary Studies, Delta State University, Abraka.


We are expecting church leaders, businessmen, politicians, community leaders, president generals of communities, and the general public.

The issues of leadership failure and social injustice will be on the front burner during the course of the conference. It is an attempt to create an interface of engagement between the political class, the elite, the church, and members of the general public, particularly with the fast approaching elections. The Nigerian political scene has been plagued by philosophical marasmus and ideological kwashiorkor. We need to raise the level of discussion to a level befitting of a nation that has great intellectuals globally like Nigerians. We cannot continue with this present state of rabid kleptomaniacal capture, elite capture, impunity, leadership recklessness, and gross underdevelopment

At the end of the conference, we hope that the interest of the nation, the electorate, and the downtrodden will become a subject of wider discussion within Delta State and the nation in general.

We are expecting participants from all over the country.

For further inquiries, call +2348028258702 or +2347052136763.

God Bless You.

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