There is a child in every adult; if you keep that child in you alive, life and living become a bundle of fun.

The child in me has refused to die. I’m not normal, maybe that’s why I have had an extraordinary life.

My daughter once asked me if I would behave differently when I became a grandfather and I told her I would be worse off.

I wonder how my mother coped with me; thank God I was not a twin.

My wife must have gotten used to me by now; but I surely know how to make her laugh.

My mother used to say, “let’s laugh now, because when we die, we will put on a fixed frown”.

When you are above sixty years, you have definitely entered the second half of your life. Have the best clean and holy fun you can have, while contributing the best you can to humanity.

Remember, most of those you laboured for have replaced you with other people and priorities, especially our sons. If your son is on a call with the girl he wants to marry, he will ignore your call; but if you were on a call with your wife and your son called, you would have interrupted the call and answered your son when he was in school.

When you are above 60 years, please create value and meaning in the lives of people who could interrupt other calls to pick your calls. Create value in the lives of those who you can call upon before your children come from wherever they are. Have fun with those around you.

Thank God, because of social media, you can create fun for a global audience.

I have been a very strict disciplinarian and lived a very frugal life. It’s time for me not to take life too seriously. I’m deliberately laying the foundation for Petra Institute, Effurun-Otor, on my birthday to institutionalize my life and legacy.

If my life and ministry has blessed you one way or the other, I need your financial and material support to execute this gigantic project.

You can donate (in Naira and foreign currency) with these platforms (Paypal and Paystack) using these links:

God Bless You.


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