The Church And Social Services

I was reliably informed that 80% of all health workers in Germany are employed by two Christian charities. One of them, Caritas, is run by the Roman Catholic Church. I also learnt that 60% of all hospital beds in Germany are in Roman Catholic Church-run hospitals.

Some of the biggest hospitals in the United States are faith-based hospitals run by Baptist, Roman Catholic and Methodist churches.

The Roman Catholic Church has more health facilities than any nation in the world.

The evangelicals in Germany are also doing well.

I’m so glad I met a young man Rev. Ugo Akwarandu, senior pastor of the Freedom Word Assembly, Aba, doing something great in this direction.

He runs the Freedom Word Mission hospital, a very beautiful world-class hospital, and he has a beautiful ultra-modern diagnostic centre in the same street in the Umungasi/Abayi neighbourhood as the church and hospital. In addition, he runs the Freedom Word International Academy a very beautiful school also on the same street. These are beautiful edifices.

I was so impressed.

Less than one kilometre before him at Umungasi, we have the Living word Ministries where I got born again in 1986, run by Rev Emma Okorie. They have churches and several schools; that’s where my children started school. They have the Living Word hospital and Rhema University. Their services are not free, just like in other countries, but the availability of these services is worth celebrating.

Their contribution to the community and national development is noteworthy.

I was most impressed by the humility of Rev Ugo Akwarandu.

I look forward to building a great private specialist hospital at Otokutu one day as my contribution to community development.

The church is marching on; it’s a trend worth replicating around Nigeria.

God Bless You.

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