An interview with Mrs. Felicia Apoki, the project manager and administrator of the building process of Petra Christian Academy, Okuokoko.

Lessons of Life

  • You must learn to build up on whatever you are doing. Always do better the next time.
  • Don’t allow the names and criticisms of people to manifest in your life. Always try to prove people who don’t believe in you wrong.
  • The best way to start is to start. When you start, stay focused till you achieve your goals.
  • You don’t need to be sophisticated to appreciate and demand excellence.
  • Never allow your mates to meet you where they left you. If you can’t run, walk. If you can’t walk, crawl. The most important thing is that you leave your position in a positive direction.
  • Don’t be discouraged by locations when you want to invest in real estate. Development always moves fast.
  • You don’t need money in bulk sums before you start any project. You can start with whatever you have in your hand.
  • Anything can be done with the Philosophy of the Ant.
  • Men should learn to entrust responsibility to there wives.
  • Men should learn to utilise the strengths of their wives with wisdom.
  • Women should not be scared to express themselves.
  • There’s always good in the land (Nigeria) if you are careful enough to look.
  • You can make it anywhere if you are determined.

Watch full video below

God bless you.

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