There is no Second Chance to Make a First Impression

Someone is watching you.

Someone is listening to you.

You either get commendation or condemnation.

Commendation should lead to recommended.

The Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International came visiting from Sapele, sometime in May this year.

My wife once told me, “all these your motivational speaking, please let’s work hard so that when those who listen to you come visiting, they should see evidence of what you are teaching”.

My people, the Urhobos have a saying, “ubrota yan vwo omuvwie ko vwo ruor ososo”. It means that you only need to give a hint to a freeborn and he will comprehend all you want to say. Alternatively, it means, “Tell a freeborn a fraction of what you want him/her to know, and s(he) will make it whole.

I got a hint of what she was saying and I worked hard on it. I’m still working on it.

I’m usually a good listener and a freeborn.

It’s not every statement or even subtle “yabis” I get angry over.

Most times, I reply her with results that fascinate her.

Insults should lead to insight.

God Bless You.

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