In 1 Samuel 25, Nabal was introduced as a very rich man—a Calebite—but he was described as a stingy, ruthless, and foolish man. He had no regard for decency. His name means fool; even his wife described him as being foolish. One of his servants described him as unapproachable and terrible.

One writer on Nabal online described Nabal’s riches as the lowest category of wealth.

Nabal had, amongst other things, 3000 sheep. At 30,000 Naira a sheep, that’s about 90 Million Naira excluding wool, milk, his 1000 goats, and other crops.

Riches with responsibility, just like the good Samaritan, is of a higher class. Riches with reputation like the Jairus, who was said to love Israel and that he built a synagogue, is of more value than that of Nabal. Riches with righteousness, just like Job, is of the highest value.

The tragedy is that in this generation, we celebrate mammon, no matter the character of the individual. Riches should involve those who know you and what you are known for.

Nabal responded to David’s genuine request with false accusations, outright disrespect, and lack of cognizance of the military strength of David. He was also a drunk. Nabal was a descendant of Caleb, a contemporary of Joshua, he was a man of faith even though his name signifies ‘doggish’.

Prophet Samuel’s children were rejected by the people of Israel because they were not like his father who was a man of power and integrity.

It’s very painful to have children who lack social intelligence and who refuse to build on the legacies of their parents.

The bottom line is that someone is watching you and building a database of your actions.

Most Universities award you a degree after being found worthy in character and learning.

At the graduation ceremony of life, Nabal was found out to be a fool even though he was very rich.

What a terrible legacy.


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