We, so-called motivational speakers, (me inclusive), most times, place the pursuit of worldly achievements ahead of the pursuit of divine purposes.

I have seen very “successful” people who commit suicide, who are on drugs, and who are very unfulfilled. They have this empty core that material attainments cannot fill.

Man was created purposefully to take up responsibilities. We are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works prepared for us in advance. It is the identification and passionate pursuit of purpose that makes life worth living.

It might disorganise a very religious African brain to know that God looks up to man to take initiative and assume responsibility to solve most of the problems we have in Africa, instead of disturbing Him with prayers.

The reason Africans pray so much is because we like to avoid responsibility and take actions to solve our problems. We like to outsource our challenges to God—the same challenges that nominal Christians confront and overcome, and in the process create wealth.

The typical African prayer warrior does not pray for ideas to solve problems, (s)he attempts to pray the problem away and, by so doing, stagnates and makes no new discoveries.

When you are not willing to progress, you blame your colonial masters, ancestors, witches, and demons. But you never blame yourself.

When you passionately pursue your purpose, you don’t have time for jealousy, church politics, and obstructionism.

If in your pursuit, you make a mark, make meaning, leave good memories, then what most of us run after will run after you.

Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and every other thing shall be added—that’s not escapism to heaven; it must be married with ‘thy kingdom come on Earth as it is in heaven‘. It involves bringing a little piece of heaven to people you come in contact with. The Kingdom of God is at hand is not only the soon-return of Jesus; it is the proximity and accessibility of the Kingdom life to humanity.

If you notice carefully, most people who talk about end-time, end-time and end-time are either underproductive or are hypocritical. The hypocritical ones are busy doing things that make life easier for themselves and their families, while creating fear and docility in people.

I know the Lord will come; when He will come is not my business. My business is to show evidence of my service to humanity, and He would say “Thou good and faithful servant, come to my rest“.

Let me provoke some religious people here now, you will not exchange the “old rugged cross for a crown”! it is the results of your productivity, in proportion to your abilities and ‘talents’, that you will exchange for a crown.

Don’t pursue what Jesus said will follow you.

God bless you.

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