Character Study of Ruth: Ruth 2 & 3

God is sovereign.

God is beyond the Bible.

God is greater than His instructions.

God cannot be confined to regularity, routine, or rules. God gave us rules to regulate us, not to regulate Him. He decides whom to show mercy and whom not to show mercy on.

Your brain is too small to explain or understand His ways. Any understanding you have about God is a little light He beamed on your mind. God’s desire to fulfill His will and purpose is superior to anything you can imagine. Some divine purposes are achieved outside the routine.

Ruth set out to propose marriage to Boaz, it is contrary to the routine. The two fellows are unusual in the sense that Boaz is the descendant of a harlot, Rahab, and Ruth is Moabitess. Moabites are the products of sexual intercourse between Lot and his daughters.

Humanity is a collection of purposes clothed with flesh. You are either in pursuit of Jehovah’s purpose or the devil’s purpose.

The greatest social intelligence is from acting under God’s guidance.

If I wrote the Bible, I will remove the portion where God told a prophet to go marry a harlot. But I’m not God, and His was are not my ways.

The deeper mysteries of God are beyond church doctrines. There are times Jehovah breaks protocols to reward faith.

There was a closer kinsman Redeemer than Boaz. I suspect he was not as rich as Boaz. Glory to God he rejected Ruth.

Rejection is not necessarily a negation of purpose; it might just be a rearrangement designed for the fulfilment of purpose.

I was born from a levirate marriage in very unusual circumstances, contrary to the norms of our culture; but I was in God’s mind and plan. My background is not perfect, but I have pushed them to my back and they are on the ground—background.

I’m pressing forward towards the mark of higher calling.

Don’t let your family failures or your failures stop you.

I’m an unfolding purpose of Jehovah; I’m not normal, but I don’t care.

God Bess You.

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