By Charles Awuzie

Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” ~ Jeremiah 33:3

This scripture changed my life.

I used to think that God was talking about showing me the witches from my father’s house or other evils that were stopping my progress. But one day, the Holy Spirit and I had a deep conversation and He began to teach me the meaning of this scripture.

Think about it. The great and mighty things that God will show His child, who calls upon Him cannot be enemies or evils that are stopping progress.

The great and mighty things” in that scripture talks about plural revelations, not a singular revelation. So, they are deep things in diverse faculties of life.

In Science and Technology, there are great and mighty things you don’t know, which God wants to show you.

In Economics, there are great and mighty things, which God wants to show you.

In Medical Science, there are great and mighty things, which God wants to show His children.

Forget about witches and evil for once, and your mind will begin to open to the great and mighty things which God wants to show you.

The day I understood this, I stopped misquoting this scripture and started applying this prophecy in my business and research.

Today, to the glory of God, this Revelation is the reason I am where I am today. God has shown me, and continues to show me, great and mighty things in Science, Technology, Economics, Sex, Spirituality, Relationships, Death and Life. I now know that death can be solved, because every problem has a solution. And I am deeply researching everyday on how to solve, or at least postpone, certain unnecessary deaths.

Friends, pray this prayer with me: “Dear Father, I open my consciousness to receive deep revelations of great and mighty things in the realm of science, technology, life, and death in Jesus name“. Say AMEN.

Now be open-minded and start digging deep into knowledge—you will emerge a global phenomenon soon.


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