Counsellor Dennis Agori is an author, teacher, youth ambassador, motivational speaker, and a publisher. This is a writeup published on account of Dr. Apoki’s 61st Birthday.

People say a lot of things about people they don’t really know. From different types of criticism (constructive, critical, destructive, etc.), to things too absurd to believe.

At least, a lot of people have come to the realization that Dr. Charles Apoki is an unusual personality who makes impact at an accelerated rate.

However, these are the things I have learnt from being close and working with Dr. Charles Apoki on the SOS4 program and on other occasions.

1. Verified analytical information

He does not give out junk or fake information. The information he gives is well-researched, meditated upon severally, and thoroughly crafted, with a lot of precision in dates, time, places, and related statistics.

That is because he is an avid reader and open-minded.

2. Humour is one of the catalysts of his messages.

There is usually no dull moment around him.

He makes life so meaningful and fun.

Imagine one of his books is titled, Money is an Idiot.

He go ‘yab‘ you, and you go dey laugh.

Don’t look at me like that,” he will always say, when he has hit such moments of truth, which are too bitter to accept if there was no lacing of humour.

He would have been one of the best comedians around, and yes, he has the audacity peculiar to some comedians, who can speak to Nigeria leaders through their jokes without fear of retribution or favouritism. In his case, he speaks to religious leaders, political systems, and whatever needs to be addressed for the good of humanity.

At times, we fear for him, but he has the grace and wisdom to navigate such ‘sacred ‘topics.

3. He is a man with practical financial intelligence.

He does more than he says with his network and net-worth. Imagine the little things he does with the kro-kro-kro Philosophy of The Ant.

His wife has a poultry, which is self-managed, and he advertises the products on social media without second-thoughts of what will people might say.

4. He is interested in raising an army.

An army of people, especially young people, indiscriminately, who are independently doing well, or are willing to do well, and interdependently creating progressive change in the society through concerted efforts.

That’s the idea behind the Word & Wisdom Conferences,  which are held during Easter and Independence Day celebrations. I am one of his soldiers. I call it the Apoki Connection (A.C.).

Yes, he is my father, my mentor, and guide.

On record, he gave me a platform to work together with Ambassador Raymond Ugbeh, Ejiro Apoki, and the Salimo Wits foundation, where we featured in the Youths Summit. I spoke about Becoming an Academic Giant. It gave me the highest honorarium of my speaking engagements.


Jesus Christ, after addressing the crowd, will occasionally call the 12 Apostles and give them some insights only meant for them and not the crowds. With this privilege, comes serious discipline. He even addressed one with the words: “Get behind me satan“. To the same one, he said “Satan demanded to have you…. but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail“.

If you must be close to the Eagle, you must be willing to raise the bar or accept to be pruned.

I have received a lot and willing to receive more. The highest of it centers around “knowledge”. Only the caucus would understand what it means.


  1. I call Dr. Charles Apoki online mentor and my personal super wisdom tutor…………..kudos sir!

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