How I Bought 50 Bags Of Cement With Apoki’s Name—Marcus Ekure

Marcus Ekure is an international public speaker, a social entrepreneur, and a youth & community developer. This is a write-up published on account of Dr. Apoki’s 61st Birthday.

It is often said that “A good name is better than riches”. 

The name, Apoki, for us, is not just part of a nomenclature, but a reliable means of exchange. 


I recalled the experience I had a few years ago when I was working on a project. I needed about 50 bags of cement in order to fast track execution before the rains.

I was actually talking to a friend how happy I would have been if I could get a dealer to supply me with as much as 50 bags of cement, pending the end of the month when money would be available. I never knew someone was close by who deals in cement. 

Immediately, he cut in, and offered to take the deal. Before accepting the offer, though, he asked me who Dr. Apoki was to me; I responded that he was a mentor and coach.

I was so surprised at the manner in which he accepted an offer from a stranger, who he probably had no good knowledge of, as at that time. He didn’t even ask when I was going to pay, after offloading the products to my site.

It was a week later when I took the cash to him. 

Out of curiosity, I asked, “But why did you take such a great risk?” 

His response made me marvel, “I have been seeing your alliance with the great Dr. Apoki, whom I regard so much as a great and honest man, and for the fact that he is your mentor, it means you cannot behave differently. So, I had great confidence that my money would be safe with you”. 

This is just a microscopic part to cases like this, as many of his disciples have had their fair shares at many points in time.

Dr. Apoki teaches us to be content! 

He teaches us to utilize the days of our youthfulness.

He teaches us to be prudent with expenditure; 

He teaches us the Krokrokro Principle and the like.

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