How to Move to the Next Level in Your Walk with God: From Belief to Knowledge

Now that you have known Christ, spiritual growth is expedient. This growth springs from the depth of the knowledge of God in you. Today, we’re discussing a crucial transition in your walk with God: moving from belief to knowledge. This is essential for a more profound and impactful spiritual life.

The Difference Between Belief and Knowledge;

Belief is the mental acceptance of information. It’s when you accept certain truths about an issue, person, or event. For example, you might believe in the existence of God or the teachings of the Bible.

Knowledge, on the other hand, is a deeper, more practical understanding. Knowledge goes beyond mere acceptance; it involves experiencing, practicing, and embodying the truths you’ve learned.

The problem many face, particularly in Pentecostal churches in Nigeria, is that they stop at belief. Often, this belief isn’t even rooted in the Word of God but in the words of men of God. This results in a superficial faith that lacks the transformative power of truly knowing and living the scriptures.

Moving from Belief to Knowledge

  1. Experiencing the Scriptures:
    • Just quoting scriptures doesn’t mean you know the Word of God. Knowledge comes from experiencing and demonstrating the truth of the scriptures in your life. For instance, I don’t need to believe I am male; I know I am male. Similarly, you should aim to know the truths of the Bible through lived experience.
  2. Demonstrations:
    • Belief becomes knowledge when it is has evidence. For example, you don’t need to believe I am a medical doctor; you can see my expertise in practice. The same applies to spiritual truths. When I talk about healing, it’s not just theoretical; I’ve seen and demonstrated healing. This practical demonstration turns belief into knowledge.
  3. Living the Word:
    • The Bible calls us to not just be hearers of the Word, but doers. In James 2:17, it says, “Faith without works is dead.” To move to the next level, you must live out the scriptures. Paul, after a long journey with God, said, “That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection” (Philippians 3:10). This signifies a deep knowledge of God’s power.
  4. Seeking God’s Ways:
    • Like Moses in Exodus 33:13, who asked God to teach him His ways so that he may know Him, you must seek to understand and live out God’s ways. It’s not enough to know what God has said; you need to experience and apply His teachings in your life.

Practical Steps to Deepen Your Knowledge

  1. Engage in Spiritual Practices:
    • Regular prayer, meditation on the scriptures, and worship are essential. These practices help you experience God’s presence and power in a personal way.
  2. Apply the Scriptures:
    • Make a conscious effort to apply biblical teachings in your daily life. Whether it’s in your relationships, work, or personal growth, let the Word of God guide your actions.
  3. Seek Out Experiences:
    • Be open to experiencing the power of God in different areas of your life. Whether it’s healing, wisdom, or provision, trust God to show up in tangible ways.
  4. Learn from Others:
    • Surround yourself with people who exemplify the knowledge of God. Learn from their experiences and let their lives inspire you to deepen your own knowledge.
  5. Reflect and Testify:
    • Reflect on your experiences with God and share your testimonies. We overcome by the words of our mouth, this does not only strengthens your faith but also encourages others.


Moving from belief to knowledge is a transformative journey that deepens your walk with God. It’s about experiencing and demonstrating the truths of the scriptures in your life. Remember, belief is important, but knowledge is what truly transform lives.

I hope this message has inspired you to seek a deeper relationship with God. Let’s continue to grow together, moving from mere belief to a profound knowledge of God’s power and presence in our lives.

God Bless You.

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