There Is So Much Pain and Poverty in Our Country | the Purpose of Christ Is Souls

I am your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki. Today, I want to share some reflections on the pain and poverty we see around us and how the true purpose of Christ’s mission gives us direction in addressing these challenges.

The Bible tells us that when Jesus returns, He will ask, “When I was sick, did you visit me? When I was hungry, did you feed me? When I was homeless, did you provide accommodation? When I was naked, did you clothe me? When I was in prison, did you visit me?” This underscores the importance of compassion and care for humanity, which is central to Christ’s teaching.

Compassion in Action: Jesus as Our Example

In another passage, we see Jesus’ compassion when a large crowd followed Him to a remote place. They stayed with Him for three days, and by the end, they were hungry and weak. The disciples suggested sending the people away, but Jesus, understanding their plight, said, “If we send them away, they might collapse on their way home.” He then performed the miracle of feeding 5,000 men (excluding women and children) with five loaves and two fish. This act highlights that Jesus did not prioritize structures, systems, or wealth but focused on meeting the needs of souls and providing solutions to humanity’s problems.

The True Purpose of the Church

Jesus came to save souls and meet the needs of humanity. Today, however, many churches seem more focused on structures, strategies, and financial prosperity. While testimonies of healing and deliverance are important, we must remember that empathy and compassion for people are at the core of Christ’s mission.

I recall an experience from about 30 years ago during a love feast in church. A pastor, who was a graduate and an energetic evangelist, confided in me that while we were eating, his mind was on his children at home who had no food. The next day, my wife and I gathered clothes and food to give him. This happened in a church filled with cars and wealthy members, yet a pastor was hungry. This mirrors the reality in many parts of Africa today.

Addressing Poverty and Pain in Practical Ways

On Sunday, my pastor was invited to preach at a branch church. Since his car was unavailable, I volunteered to drive him. Before the service, I noticed a young girl arguing with her father, who is a member of our church. The father, unable to provide for her, dismissed her angrily. The girl had gone to bed hungry the previous night and came to church hoping for help, but left disappointed. Concerned for her well-being, I gave her money for food and began thinking of long-term solutions for the family.

At the Thanksgiving service that day, instead of contributing to the church project, I focused on helping people directly. I gave the pastor, who agreed to work in my village, 100,000 naira. I also supported five women with another 100,000 naira to start small businesses and gave five children money for their school fees. This totaled 300,000 naira—a small sacrifice compared to the impact it would have on their lives.

Souls Are the Real Purpose

The real purpose of the church is the people. It is not about the structures, systems, or material possessions we build but about transforming lives. As Christians, we must prioritize the needs of souls above all else. This includes helping the hungry, providing for the needy, and being compassionate to the suffering around us.

I encourage you to start seeing people as the reason for the church. Let’s emulate Christ’s compassion and focus on addressing the pain and poverty in our society. Together, we can make a difference.

I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki.

We have a webinar coming up on December 6th and 7th. To register, send a message to +234 802 121 9262. Let’s learn and grow together. Also, I have properties for sale—reach out for more details.

God bless you!

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