“Celebrating Intellectual Legacy: A Message from Dr. Charles Apoki”

There’s one statement that I, Dr. Charles Apoki, have always made and held onto: “I don’t criticize the weaknesses of men; I only criticize their wickedness. Men have weak tendencies, but when those tendencies harm another person or society, they become wickedness.” I don’t believe in the Machiavellian principle; I believe that the means dignify the end.

Despite all these statements, I want to congratulate Professor Wole Soyinka on the street named after him in Abuja. He is a Nobel laureate, and in Addis Ababa, I saw a street called Alexander Pushkin Avenue. I was informed that Alexander Pushkin’s mother was of African descent—possibly from Ethiopia, Congo, or Uganda. Pushkin, a great writer from Russia, is honored in this way, and if we name places and streets after intellectuals, it will encourage our younger generation to read, write, and make better use of their intellect.

So, I congratulate Professor Soyinka once more. Some people say the naming was a reward. Whether it was or not, it is good that when our children drive past that street or mention the name Soyinka, they will remember him as a Nobel laureate who used his intellect.

In pursuit of a better Nigeria, as your confraternity says: “No friends, no foes—the truth is neutral.” I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki

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