The Power of Incubation and Proclamation.

Has it ever bothered you that if someone who smokes cannabis moves to a new location, within just a few hours, they know where to find it and make friends with others who smoke? This phenomenon illustrates a powerful principle: your appetites and desires, the things you incubate, will always attract a corresponding spirit.

The Concept of Incubation and Proclamation:

In Luke 8:46-47 (NLT), we read about a woman who had suffered from bleeding for twelve years. Despite spending all her money on doctors, she found no cure. But she said to herself, “If I can just touch the hem of His garment, I will be made whole.” This woman faced several constraints: she was cashless, there was a crowd, her custom forbade her from appearing in public, and she was confused. Yet, she meditated on her healing, incubated the thought, and proclaimed it.

Proclamation and Divine Energy:

The world was created by proclamation. “God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.” Anytime you proclaim something that you have incubated, it attracts divine energy. The woman in Luke 8 did exactly that. Despite her situation, she touched Jesus’ garment, and power flowed from Him, healing her.

Others touched Jesus, but only she, who had incubated and proclaimed her faith, received healing. Jesus remarked, “Somebody deliberately touched me,” indicating that her touch was intentional and faith-driven.

Guard Your Heart and Think Positively:

Proverbs 4:23 advises us to “guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” Similarly, Philippians 4:8 encourages us to think about things that are pure, honorable, and excellent. When you meditate on such thoughts, your world aligns to make these things happen.

The Power of Divine Intervention:

Proverbs 21:1 tells us, “The king’s heart is like a stream of water directed by the Lord; he guides it wherever he pleases.” God can influence the minds of people to act on your behalf. I call this divine hacking.

Consider the story of Moses. When his mother incubated the idea that her son must live, God intervened. He hacked the website of the Nile crocodiles to ensure Moses was safe. God even hacked Pharaoh’s daughter’s mind, leading her to find and care for Moses.

Practical Examples of Incubation and Proclamation:

I have many examples of how God intervenes when we incubate and proclaim our desires. Whether it’s animals in the lion’s den not harming Daniel or the fish that swallowed Jonah following God’s command, the principle remains the same: God can hack minds and circumstances for our good.

Your Thought Processes and Actions:

Your thoughts and proclamations have power. They attract like-minded individuals and circumstances. If you incubate negative thoughts, you attract negative people and situations. Conversely, positive thoughts and proclamations attract positive outcomes.

Have you noticed how someone who uses drugs can quickly find others in a new location? It’s because their desires and thought processes emit energies that attract similar spirits. Your meditation and proclamations radiate energies that attract corresponding spirits.


Meditate and incubate positive ideas and thoughts. Proclaim them, and take positive actions. This will attract positive people and circumstances into your life.

God bless you.

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