My major challenge in the processing of cassava to garri or fufu powder is two-fold: peeling the cassava tubers and what to do with the peels.

I have been reading a lot online about the economic benefits of cassava peels.

From my personal observation, I found out that, if sparingly applied, the very dry ones act as good manure for cassava.

From what I saw online, they can be processed into animal feeds. They can also be processed into fine and coarse granules to feed poultry and large ruminants.

Pigs also enjoy the boiled cassava peels.

In times like these, when animal feeds have become very expensive, cassava leaves and peels might just be great supplements.

I also was informed that Cassava leaves contain protein. In fact, I ate cassava leaves at Makeni in Sierra Leone and Madagascar. We can develop very functional and profitable cooperatives in our communities and reduce poverty in Africa.

I’m very excited about what I’m learning about cassava.

God bless you.

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