1. It’s not enough to have great information and ideas. Sometimes, ideas are very cheap, but very few folks are ready to start the process of turning them into reality by adding positive actions. My wife taught me that, “the best way to start is to start and only what is started can be finished“.

2. It’s very easy to say, “I receive!” in church. Please, go outside and work on what you have received. Prophecies don’t turn to possessions without some level of personal responsibility.

3. God did not book an Uber for Mary to get to Bethlehem. It took at least 2 days of going with a donkey to reach Bethlehem. God did not book an accommodation for Mary because she was carrying the Messiah. He did not employ a midwife for her. She pushed Jesus out by herself. The angel that went to announce to the shepherds did not assist her.

4. Stop this your stupid entitlement mentality of “Who e help?” God did not help Joseph to run to Egypt at night with Mary and Jesus. He did not pay house rent for them or feed them in Egypt. The prophetic is not an excuse for docility. Even the prophet “sweats” when he is preaching.

5. There is no easy way to sustainable growth and development. It’s a gradual and consistent step by step improvement on a consistent basis. Plants that grow too fast don’t last long. Compare mushrooms and palm trees.

6. There have been too many educational, financial, marital, spiritual, political, and financial fractures because people want to jump too many steps of life at once. There are so many paralyzed dreams that have turned to nightmares because they want to start from the top.

7. My wife taught me, “Don’t let people meet you where and how they left you; keep adding something new to your life, no matter how little”.

Just keep accumulating little successes, and after a while, you will become so full of success, and you will be called SUCCESSFUL.


I’m your friend, Dr. Charles Apokiiiiii.

Please do a short video of what you have started in business, exercise, or any new step and tag me. Let’s encourage each other in this very distressing times we are in.

God Bless You.

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