Dr. Apoki's Blog

In The Beginning, It Was Not So (Petra Christian Academy, Ughelli)

I cleaned toilets at a point.

I was the first gateman at a point.

I was a school bus driver at a point.

My children were teachers at several stages.

I made my last child, Ese Apoki, carry sand to fill a classroom to get a feeling of what it took us to build this dream.

My wife did all kinds of menial stuff to boost the finances to build this school. My wife didn’t sit in the altar when I was preaching. She would open the boot of the bus or sit outside to sell books.

If you are too big to bend down to drive your vision, it will be parked by the road side of life.

Manufacture yourself before you market yourself. Empty cartons don’t attract good prices.

Define your direction and bearings right and face them squarely before you become a director.

I see too much over-packaging, rabid desire for conspicuous consumption, and immediate gratification among young people of today.

It’s only a life that is defined that can be refined. Many people don’t know what they want out of life and where they are going.

I redefined my life at the age of 40 and I have since moved faster and further.

You can’t help a person who does not know where (s)he is coming from and going to.

In the Nigerian Constitution, vagrancy was an offence at a point; vagrants were usually detained.

If you don’t know your bearings, you will be detained by life.

Grace does not help stagnation, docility, and instability. Remember Reuben and his instability.

May God help you to drive your dreams so that they don’t become nightmares.

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